School Calendar
Shoreless Lake School Wisconsin has a 35-week calendar beginning on the Tuesday after Labor Day. Week 36 is Testing Week (T-Week). Graduation takes place the Tuesday following Testing week.
Besides the Christmas and Easter breaks, we observe the following holidays:
Labor Day
Solemnity of All Saints (November 1)
Thanksgiving Day
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8)
Saint Alfonso’s Day (January 23)
Saint Joseph's Feast Day (March 19)
Memorial Day
Each year the School will issue the Official School Calendar. The School Year is divided into four quarters. A Report Card is sent to the parents after each quarter. The Marking Periods are typically as follows:
1st Marking Period: September- November
2nd Marking Period: November- January
3rd Marking Period: January- March
4th Marking Period: March- May
Graduation Day
Graduation Day finds a special place in our Calendar. On Graduation Day, in a public ceremony, graduates receive the graduation diploma and awards for academic success are granted to the students.